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U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia

U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia

U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia




  • 《U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia》

    U.S.-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia collects 9 papers which were presented at the annual conference of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University. Addressing the complex mix of cooperative and competitive elements in the U.S.-China relationship, the book focuses on regional responses to and Taiwan's perspective on the rise of China and challenges to the U.S.-led international liberal order.

    • 作者介紹

      Da-Jung Li


    U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia-目錄導覽說明

    • Preface

      Da-Jung Li...i

      Crossing the Divide? Challenges to a "New Type" of U.S.-China


      Ming-Yen Tsai...1

      A Japanese Perspective on the U.S.-China Relations and Regional Security


      Ryo Sahashi...21

      The Challenges of Updating ASEAN for the Contemporary Asia-Pacific

      Ja Ian Chong...41

      Friend or Foe: The Coopetition between the U.S. and China in Asia

      Nathan K. H. Liu...61

      My Lawn is Greener than Yours: The American and Chinese Views on the

      International Order

      Yeh-Chung Lu...85

      The End of the "Hidden Light"? Rationalist and Reflectivist Perspectives on

      China's Foreign Policy

      Hsin-Wei Tang...99

      Tragedy of Great Power Politics? Re-examining US-China Relations in the

      21st Century

      Andrea, Pei-Shan Kao... 119

      Redefining Culture in Conflict Environment:Shifting from Macro to Micro

      Level of Analysis

      Micha? Pawiński...145

      The Importance of the Pacific Alliance for the People's Republic of China:

      Beyond the Economic Perspective

      Idania M. Torrero Perigault...185


    The Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies (GIIASS) was established on March 23, 1982. Thereafter directors and dedicated professors have enriched teaching towards academic success. In 2004, GIIASS established "Memorial Conference for Professor Niu Sien-Chong" to advance domestic strategic studies. In 2010, former Director Dr. Wong Ming-Hsien explored the prospect of creating Tamkang School of Strategic Studies, and to broaden the establishment of academic conference.

    When I recall my predecessors' endeavors, it motivates me to carry forward our achievements.

    Tamkang School of Strategic Studies 2016 Annual Events include topics , such as "U.S.-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia" and "Rethinking the National Security of Taiwan: Theoretical Dialectics, Opportunities and Challenges". These topics focus on the competition between China and the US, and National Security of Taiwan in the 21 century. Since China raised "One Belt, One Road" in 2013, Beijing is better equipped to influence not only Asia's development but also global affairs. For Taiwan, national security is of utmost importance. Hence, we have to assess the U.S.-China competition carefully and comprehensively.

    For aforementioned reasons, this book collects 9 papers which were presented at the annual conference. The papers' areas of investigation are U.S.-China relations, Asia Pacific Security, etc. Our goal is not only to describe and explain developments in international affairs, but also to find an alternative way to accomplish peace in the changing world.





  • 作者:Editor Da-Jung Li


  • 出版社:淡江大學



  • 出版日:2017/10/5

  • 貸款代辦

  • ISBN:9789865608682

  • 語言:中文繁體

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia

U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia

U.S-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia


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G-BIKE為《太空戰士 VII》遊戲中的一個小遊戲,玩家可在這遊戲中享受自行車的競速,而這個小遊戲也將作為主軸,搬上手機平台。

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新聞來源: 魔方網

日本商 SQUARE ENIX 近日宣布將推出一款以《太空戰士 VII》為題材的競速手遊《太空戰士 VII G-BIKE》(FINAL FANTASY VII G-BIKE),並預訂於今秋發布 iOS 與 Android 版本。目前官方也同步開啟事前登錄活動,活動從即日起至10月29日。

《太空戰士 VII G-BIKE》官方PV

G-BIKE為《太空戰士 VII》遊戲中的一個小遊戲,玩家可在這遊戲中享受自行車的競速,而這個小遊戲也將作為主軸,搬上手機平台。

遊戲競速以 3D的模式呈現,玩家可操作角色來進行各種動作,例如攻擊敵人、閃避障礙等。遊戲中的場景、怪物元素也都圍繞著《太空戰士 VII》,讓玩家深刻體驗原作的經典。遊戲中設有任務及訓練系統,玩家可接取任務挑戰 BOSS,並可蒐集不同的武器來讓戰力更為強大。


《太空戰士 VII G-BIKE》事前登錄頁


《航海王 Dance Battle》外科醫生羅搶先拿

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